The ICO is over!

Русская версия

Dear Friends,

Our ICO is over. Over the past 4 months we’ve asked you to support us in our quest to create the best cryptocurrency trading tool on the market by taking part in the ICO and purchasing our MOON tokens. We’d like to thank each and everyone of you who have shown trust in our team and our project by acquiring Moon Tokens.

We’d like to let you all know that the path to bringing the product you are all waiting for to the market, although still long, is getting shorter every day and only thanks to your support this path is real at all. We would like to remind you all that you can always reach us via our Telegram Channels, social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit.

In the near future we’re planning to rework the existing web-page of the upcoming MoonTrader terminal, to start an active marketing campaign that will increase our outreach and brand awareness. Though no exact date is set yet, we’re expecting to start testing the alpha version of our product by the end of the year and the launch of the product is scheduled for Q1 2020.

Don’t forget to join our social media channels to always be up to date with all the latest news and updates regarding the development of MoonTrader.

Check us out at





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